We woke in the still empty albergue, packed, prayed, ate breakfast, and stepped out into the moist morning.
Until mid-afternoon the humidity was relentless. We had 28 kilometers to go to the planned destination. So breathing and sweat were the order of the day.
A high point of the morning was coming across a tea stand run by the Powell family. It was supported by donations. Truly a delight.
Portomarin looked quirky and interesting, but we really needed to push some.
We arrived at our unpronounceable destination around 5:00 p.m..
The town prior had no rooms at the albergue. So, we pressed on and at the first albergue in Airexe inquired. There were no beds in the albergue, but there was a double room thankfully. So we had the full joy of a private room with private bath with fluffy towels!