Monday, May 6, 2024

Camino 12 - Burgos and Beyond

Ok, it's 18 00. 6:00 p.m. . This is my third try at posting today. I have dumped my pretensions and poor attitude and instead will just chronicle the day.
Morning prayer, packing, breakfast, out the door. It was a jolly breakfast of tea and day-old baguette. Blessings on the people at the Alburgue .  

We stopped at 10:00 for prayer and water in Burgos.

The morning hours seems very rough. There were times when just the walking was all consuming. 

In Alesón (which is as quirky as any hipster town) we had lunch. Mine was strictly comfort food: a hot sub sandwich with tenderloin bacon and cheese and coffee.  It was familiar and invigorating.

After lunch although we had ridges to cross our steps were much lighter to Nájera.

Well, maybe not those ridges, but these were along the path.
Through the city, across the river and into the albergue.

Wash clothes and prepare for tomorrow. 
I had started verbose posting in one of the towns along the way. 
As I said, the post evaporated. So today I leave you with these few notes and pictures. 

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. You two are doing awesome. I'm sure there is much prayer and contemplation along the way. Lovely pictures.


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