Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Camino 14 - Santo Domingo to Belorado

A good start to the day. I woke rested and Elizabeth (happy birthday!) was also ready to wake around 5:45.  Prayer and breakfast came first.  Then we hit the road.

A few names in our traveling village: Michael and Kevin from Southern England, Ruth who is taking the bus ahead because her feet are in pain, Mandy from Australia who looks happy-go-lucky but is grieving, Juan-Paulo and Gabriella from Brazil, Linda the midwife from Netherlands, Frueke from Austria...

We traveled from LaRioja into the kingdom of Castile y Leon.  There were villages every hour or so along the way.

This church was open and ready for people.  It looked like they had an active parish life there along with the historic building continually updated.

more steps, more fields 

We arrived at the parochial alburgue in Belorado around 13:30.  The parochial albergues are run by Church volunteers on donation basis. They exist to serve the pilgrims. The hospitaleros at this alburgue were from Switzerland on a two-week volunteer stint.

We had a lovely birthday Pizza on the square with many of our fellow travelers around.
Now off to church and in a while some sleep. See you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Elizabeth. Can't think of a better way to spend it.


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