Monday, May 20, 2024

Camino 24 - León to San Martin del Camino

León was bustling and busy yesterday afternoon. We ran across a procession led by a team of tremors and something that looked like a short oboe.  At first we thought perhaps a Pentecost procession to the church or cathedral, but then they stopped at, well, the Cathedral Bar.  Those in the procession were suited and tied, probably politicians.
One of the squares had a motorcycle rally and a stage with performers doing 50s and 60s music. Very strange. 

This plaque notes that this is a Roman road from the 4th century. It is one of the streets within the older part of Leon. 
We got to stay in the same albergue and even same beds for Sunday night.

Monday morning and we were up and out early.

You would be entirely correct if you thought that I could easily spend a month exploring this city, but the time was to go. 

We walked out of the city center, through the work a day areas, and out past the industrial fringe. At the edge of the next little town was a little donativo stand where Miguel greeted people and made coffee and orange juice and gave whatever he had. There was a can for donations if you want to to leave something but not required. What a blessing.

Further on there were more spaces between towns, more fields.

A thing of interest, along one of the roads there were the remains of huts built into the earth.

The second picture is from the outskirts of Lyon where currently occupied small houses were built into the ground.
We are now in San Martin del Camino.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was a good walking day. Did you get a coffee at the stand? A little less than 12 stages remain. Do you think you will keep in touch with the friends you have made along the way$


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