Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Camino 20 - Villalcázar to Calzadilla de la Cueza

First, many blessings for Rofo at the alburgue and the people at Villalcázar.  Very hospitable.

Today's journey was across an area largely like Southern Illinois only without farmhouses or small towns.  There was about 17 km of farmland but no services.  So we walked into the Cool wind most all of the day. 

Carrión was the last stop before hitting the prairie.  There's probably a better name but it seems apt.  Oh, and there was a certain song by Kansas that came to mind while walking through... :)

The Spanish word for windy is ventosa. That was the main challenge of the day. 

We did make a few new acquaintances and renew a few old.

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