The end of November is a good time to check your online security status. This is no more paranoid than locking your car doors when in a big city.
First have you been compromised? Check your emails on . They aren't trying to fear-sell products as some of the functionally similar sites.
- Change passwords on any compromised accounts NOW.
- Don't reuse passwords.
- Do use a good password manager.
On password managers: I prefer offline password managers like KeePass, but a reputable online password management service is better than recycled or easy to break passwords. I prefer offline because online password management services seem like a great negative opportunity for a data breach.
Reduce your "attack surface". That is:
- Uninstall software you don't use.
- Close accounts for services you don't use.
- Unsubscribe from the junk emailers.
- Have a separate email account to use for junk/spam/...any place likely to sell your data to others.
Do not fear. Take responsibility for and control of your personal information.
Thank you! This is good advice, and helpful to realize that online security is similar to locking the car in a big city.